Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Home schooling

Well we've survived our first week and a half, although I believe we may be a little sillier for the record.
We've had a great time sliding into our routine.  They've learned so much already.  I think we are going to have a great year!  They were working on one of their journal assignments in the picture above.  We've been doing a Question of the Day every day, and believe me, the answers have been enlightening.  We studied butterflies last week.  All 5 of our butterflies were able to emerge, and can you believe I didn't even get a picture?  Maybe I'll go see if one of them is still hanging around.  We released them into our flowers in the front yard.  They were beautiful, but I'm in no hurry to do it again.  Let's just say it was grosser than I expected.  This week we are studying the moon, but it hasn't exactly been cooperative.  Every time we go to look at it, there are too many clouds!  It's been such a blessing for us to have this time as a family.  I wouldn't trade it!!

Also this week, Jonathan had his appt. with the allergist.  He's such a trooper, nothing seems to faze him.  He had to do a skin test.  Nothing can keep this kid from his math!
They determined that he has asthma, as well as the cat, dog, and mold allergies we knew about.  He has a couple of inhalers, allergy medicines, and an airflow meter to use.  All of the kids think the air flow meter is awesome, and Jonathan and Jeremiah are just thrilled that he can be back in their room and eat normally again.  Everybody is happy.  :)

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